Call PHP function from url?

If I want to execute a php script, i just point the browser to

But if i want to execute a specific function inside myscript.php, is there a way? something like


Solution 1:

One quick way is to do things like

then in myscript.php

if(function_exists($_GET['f'])) {

But please, for the love of all kittens, don't abuse this.

Solution 2:

What your script does is entirely up to you. URLs cannot magically cause Apache, PHP, or any other server component to take a certain behavior, but if you write your program such that a particular function can be executed, it's certainly possible. Perhaps something like:

switch($_GET['function']) {
case 'specificFunction':

Then you could visit myScript.php?function=specificFunction

Be extremely careful here to specifically list each allowable function. You must not just take the $_GET['function'] parameter and blindly execute whatever function it says, since that could present an enormous security risk.

Solution 3:

You will have to expose it in some way. This is because exposing all methods public, would be a security risk.



    function CalculateLength($source)
        return strlen($source);

    if(isset($_GET['calculate-length']) && isset($_GET['value']){


Then just call:

Solution 4:

Try this one

$urlParams = explode('/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$functionName = $urlParams[2];

function func1 ($urlParams) {
    echo "In func1";

function func2 ($urlParams) {
    echo "In func2";
    echo "<br/>Argument 1 -> ".$urlParams[3];
    echo "<br/>Argument 2 -> ".$urlParams[4];

and the urls can be as below