Shortcut in Windows 7 to switch between same application's windows, like Cmd + ` in OS X
Is there a shortcut in Windows 7 to switch between windows in a given application only? I very much like this feature in OS X; what is its equivalent in Windows?
If it is one of the first ten applications on the taskbar, then (Win)+n, where n is its position number, will select it and cycle through the windows. (Use 0 (zero) for the tenth application.) For example, I have Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer pinned as the first two things on my taskbar, so I can use +1 to cycle through my directories and +2 to cycle through my browsers.
Some odd notes:
If you press and hold and type (and release) a digit n, Windows will open the nth application on the taskbar. Repeatedly tapping n will cycle through the windows of that program, as discussed above. As stated by TranslucentCloud, if you then type Shift+n, it will cycle through them in reverse order, as with Alt+Tab and Ctrl+Tab, etc.
If the nth application on the taskbar is pinned but not running, then +n will start it.
- But, if you press and hold and Shift, right from the beginning, and then type n, Windows will start a new instance (or at least a new window) of that application, even if it’s already running. (This will fail for some applications, like Windows Media Player, that don’t allow multiple windows to run simultaneously.)
- +n seems not to work with the numeric keypad.
In Windows 7 and 8, although there is no shortcut I know of available from the keyboard alone, you can hold Ctrl while clicking the taskbar icon of the app you're interested in. Each time you do this a different window belonging to that app will come to the forefront.
In addition, the program VistaSwitcher sets up Win+F11 and Alt+` to switch between the current app's windows. (BTW, its web site says Windows 8 is not supported, but I've had luck with it under 8.1; the only problem I've seen so far is that it sometimes lists things like the search sidebar as open windows. I just ignore that, but YMMV.)
You can use AutoHotkey:
And put this script there:
!`:: ; Next window
WinGetClass, ActiveClass, A
WinGet, WinClassCount, Count, ahk_class %ActiveClass%
IF WinClassCount = 1
WinGet, List, List, % "ahk_class " ActiveClass
Loop, % List
index := List - A_Index + 1
WinGet, State, MinMax, % "ahk_id " List%index%
if (State <> -1)
WinID := List%index%
WinActivate, % "ahk_id " WinID
!^`:: ; Last window
WinGetClass, ActiveClass, A
WinGet, WinClassCount, Count, ahk_class %ActiveClass%
IF WinClassCount = 1
WinGet, List, List, % "ahk_class " ActiveClass
Loop, % List
index := List - A_Index + 1
WinGet, State, MinMax, % "ahk_id " List%index%
if (State <> -1)
WinID := List%index%
WinActivate, % "ahk_id " WinID
Works very well for me. Using Autohotkey I also made my copy/paste/undo,... keys like Mac. Works great!
Thanks, Erasmose, but your version of the autohotkey script will minimize a window if there are no other windows of that type. Sometimes you don't know, and minimizing is an annoying way to find out, so I modified your script like so:
!`:: ; Next window
WinGetClass, ActiveClass, A
WinGet, WinClassCount, Count, ahk_class %ActiveClass%
IF WinClassCount = 1
WinSet, Bottom,, A
WinActivate, ahk_class %ActiveClass%
!+`:: ; Last window
WinGetClass, ActiveClass, A
WinActivateBottom, ahk_class %ActiveClass%
oh, and I also changed last class to use shift instead of ctrl since I that's the modifier to go backwards with several other keyboard shortcuts. I love autohotkey.