Can users post proofs here they think are valid? [migrated]

Can users post proofs here they think are valid for review? If the "posted proof" is valid, what happens to the proof?

Also it appears the TAG list allows for the posting of proofs for review (proof-verification and solution-verification). Yet... I posted a proof a few days ago and it got closed/deleted. But as the author I cannot view my deleted/removed post even though the policy here at Math.Stackexchange allows authors of deleted posted to view their removed posts. It got moved to chat, then got deleted.

What can I do to view my original post of my proof?

I understand why it got deleted/removed, I simply want the ability to view it.

Solution 1:

As a part of your post you have asked: "What can I do to view my original post of my proof?"

Based on your comment, it seems that the question is: Every even number of the form (P+1) is the sum of two Primes? Goldbach Conjecture for evens of the form (P+1) The posts is still visible at this link to 10k+ users. (Of course, deleted posts are also visible to the post author - but in this case the account which posted the question was deleted.) Calvin Khor provide in a comment this helpful screenshot.

How you can see the question?

  • If a post is deleted, you can still view it if it is associated with your account (and you have a link). You could ask the moderators to merge the deleted account with your new account. (Or at least to add this specific question to your account.) However, I doubt that such thing is in fact possible - maybe somebody will be able to say more. This is what I found on Meta Stack Exchange: Can I link my account to one that I deleted?
  • At the moment, some version is visible in Google Cache. (But keep in mind that it won't be there forever.) See also:
  • For your convenience, I have copy-pasted the question here - so you can see the same text if you look at the first revision of this post.

Should something like this be posted on this site?

There were several discussions about posting attempted solutions of open problems here - the prevalent opinion seems to be that this is not really suitable. See also:

  • Proof Verification of Open Problems (and other questions linked there)
  • How do community respond towards the posts that claims to solve an open problem?
  • Can I have a discussion over a problem not posted on Math.SE?
  • Submitting a paper for review

Maybe only tangentially related, but I will also add a link to this post on Academia Stack Exchange: I believe I have solved a famous open problem. How do I convince people in the field that I am not a crank?