Surface integral of vector over square plane

Problem 2.25 D.K.Cheng enter image description here

The unit normal vector for the plane is found as the cross product of the two vectors spanning the plane. $$\mathbf{a_n}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\bigg(\mathbf{a_y}+\mathbf{a_z}\bigg) $$ The dot product of the vector field and the plane's normal vector is $$\mathbf{F} \cdot \mathbf{a_n}=\frac{5}{\sqrt{2}} $$ The last thing to do is evaluate the integral $\displaystyle\int^d_c\int^b_a \frac{5}{\sqrt{2}} \text{d}s\:$ however, I'm uncertain what the limits of the integrals should be.

The plane doesn't lie in either the xy/yz/xz-plane, so I can't just set x/y/z = $0$, set the limits to $a=c=0$, $b=d=2$ and then integrate.

How do I determine what the limits should be? The answer to the problem is supposedly $\displaystyle\int_S \mathbf{F} \cdot \text{d}\mathbf{s} = 20$

Solution 1:

The surface is in the plane $y + z = 2$ with normal vector $(0, 1, 1)$.

Also $S$ is not a square surface but a rectangular surface though its projection $E$ in xy-plane is a square with bounds $~0 \leq x \leq 2, 0 \leq y \leq 2$

As you have normalized the normal vector, note that $dS = \sqrt 2 ~ dA$ where $dA$ is the area element of the projection in xy-plane.

So the integral is,

$$\displaystyle \iint_S \frac{5}{\sqrt2} ~ dS = \iint_E 5 ~ dA = 20.$$