How can I remove the smell of cigarettes from my computer?

I'm a smoker, and of course I smoke in front of the computer when I'm at home.

Last Friday I moved out from my mother's house to my own, and since the computers were always turned on and the room was one where everybody could smoke, the smell didn't bother me.

At my new home, I turned them on, about 15 minutes ago, and now I'm dying because of the smell of cigarettes (this may be kind of stupid to hear from a smoker, but I hope some of you understand).

This solution has to be relatively quick, because I can't stay without the desktop and the server for one week, for example.

Tomorrow, I'm going to open them both, and remove all dust there is inside, this should clear some of the smell, but probably won't remove it completely.

Does anyone know a technique to get rid of the smell?


Some pictures of the case after I opened it:

Side Fan of the case

Side Fan of the case
click to enlarge

CPU, Graphics Card and PSU

CPU, Graphics Card and PSU
click to enlarge


click to enlarge

Solution 1:

Air Freshener sounds like a good idea, least on the short run.

Taking apart your computer as far as possible, dismantling all the plastic trim off the case, and wiping down everything non electronic with a solution of vinegar might help - metafilter seems to suggest being in the same vicinity as a bowl of vinegar may help too.

The same thread also seems to suggest mineral stink reducers as another option.

Of course, this is a cleanup, and dosen't actually solve the original problem

You can find some things that don't work here - rice, kitty litter, incense and just airing. Dryer sheets are suggested here, which may be worth a try.

Solution 2:

Most of the smell will be in the PSU, cleaning the case will help, but you should replace the PSU, no good way to clean the inside of a PSU of cigarette residue.

Example of a heavy computer and cigarette user.

enter image description here