Change local Google Drive folder

Is it possible to change the Google Drive folder from the default to something that is not on your desktop?

For example, I want to use D:\Data as my local Google Drive folder.

Easiest way is to let it "have it's way" when installing, and then:

  1. Right-click Google Drive and select "Quit Google Drive"
  2. Move/rename the folder to where you want it
  3. Launch Google Drive again from the start menu. It will complain that the folder is missing
  4. Click the tray icon the first entry on the menu will read like "Error - Google Drive folder is missing"; click it.
  5. Choose "Locate Folder" and browse to your new folder/location.

(It's actually easier than it looks, so after you've done it once you can repeat this forerever on any other computer/re-install that you do without having to google for it like I just did. :))

This procedure was taken from a comment on the already linked site and I tried for myself and summarized the steps here for easier reference.

For me it did not work to just quit Google Drive as some of the answer states. When choosing location it complained that it was not the original location of Google Drive.

What I had to do in order to change local location was to uninstall and then reinstall Google Drive. In the installation setup I chose Advanced settings and then it is possible to choose local location folder.

This should help you out, and the google drive folder is not actually on your desktop, that is just an alias to the actual folder in your user folder.

There is a new way to change it. Simple and effective solution:

  1. Disconnect account

  2. Delete the "Google Drive" folder

  3. Click the drive and select sign in

  4. After sign in, it will show the little first-time tutorial.

    • Click 'Next' through them all, but DO NOT click 'Done' on the last.
  5. There will be a button on the last page called "Sync Options".

    • In here, there is the option to point to a different location.