Solving $y+xy'=a(1+xy)\;\;,\;\; y(\frac 1a)=-a$

Solve$$y+xy'=a(1+xy)\;\;,\;\; y(\frac 1a)=-a$$

I used the substitution $u=1+xy\;\;\Rightarrow\;\; u'=y+xy'$ . And the equation becomes,

$$u'=au\;\;\Rightarrow \;\; \frac{du}u=a\;dx \;\;\Rightarrow \ln|u|=ax+C$$ Hence the solution is $\ln|1+xy|=ax+C.$ But when I substitute $x=\frac 1a$ and $y=-a$ In order to find $C$, LHS of the equation becomes $\ln|0|$ and zero doesn't belong to domain of logarithm. How can I fix the issue?

Well, it is not hard to see that we rewrite your DE in the following form:


Now, let:


When we multiply both sides by $\mu\left(x\right)$, use the fact that $\exp\left(-\text{a}x\right)\left(1-\text{a}x\right)=\frac{\text{d}}{\text{d}x}\left(x\exp\left(-\text{a}x\right)\right)$ and apply the reverse product rule we end up with:


Integrate both sides with respect to $x$:


Dividing both sides by $\mu\left(x\right)$:


So, we can solve for $\text{C}$:


So, we end up with:
