How to tell Eclipse Workspace?

For me it work to choose File->Switch Workspace->Other... and it shows the name of current workspace.

I tried to confirm

"Actually, this shows the last workspace that was closed, not the current workspace. If you are opening and closing several, this is not dependable."

and I am not able to reproduce it. Each time I get the currently loaded workspace (I was testing on Juno). I also checked sources and in and, and it looks like it manages simple list of last time opened workspaces which is stored as a RECENT_WORKSPACES key in org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs file. The workspace name shown in this dialog is the first one from this list.

start eclipse with -showlocation

Here are two interesting posts about it:

top-10-tips-for-new-eclipse-users (archived version)


Go Window>Preferences. Then under General>Workspace there is a property: "Workspace name (shown in window title)" and put in some sort of identifying label.

You'll need to set this up for each workspace you have, but it's an easy way to know which workspace you're in at a glance.