Why does git stash pop say that it could not restore untracked files from stash entry?

I managed to recreate your issue. It seems if you stash untracked files and then you create those files (in your example, foo.txt and bar.txt), then you have local changes to untracked files that would be overwritten when you apply git stash pop.

To get around this issue, you can use the following command. This will override any unsaved local changes so be careful.

git checkout stash -- .

Here is some further information I found on the previous command.

As a bit of additional explanation, note that git stash makes either two commits, or three commits. The default is two; you get three if you use any spelling of the --all or --include-untracked options.

These two, or three, commits are special in one important way: they are on no branch. Git locates them through the special name stash.1 The most important thing, though, is what Git lets you—and makes you—do with these two or three commits. To understand this we need to look at what's in those commits.

What's inside a stash

Every commit can list one or more parent commits. These form a graph, where later commits point back to earlier ones. The stash normally holds two commits, which I like to call i for the index / staging-area contents, and w for the work-tree contents. Remember also that each commit holds a snapshot. In a normal commit, this snapshot is made from the index / staging-area contents. So the i commit is in fact a perfectly normal commit! It's just not on any branch:

...--o--o--o   <-- branch (HEAD)

If you're making a normal stash, the git stash code makes w now by copying all your tracked work-tree files (into a temporary auxiliary index). Git sets the first parent of this w commit to point to the HEAD commit, and the second parent to point to commit i. Last, it sets stash to point to this w commit:

...--o--o--o   <-- branch (HEAD)
           i-w   <-- stash

If you add --include-untracked or --all, Git makes an extra commit, u, in between making i and w. The snapshot contents for u are those files that are untracked but not ignored (--include-untracked), or files that are untracked even if they are ignored (--all). This extra u commit has no parent, and then when git stash makes w, it sets w's third parent to this u commit, so that you get:

...--o--o--o   <-- branch (HEAD)
           i-w   <-- stash

Git also, at this point, removes any work-tree files that wound up in the u commit (using git clean to do that).

Restoring a stash

When you go to restore a stash, you have the option of using --index, or not using it. This tells git stash apply (or any of the commands that internally use apply, such as pop) that it should use the i commit to attempt to modify your current index. This modification is done with:

git diff <hash-of-i> <hash-of-i's-parent> | git apply --index

(more or less; there are a bunch of nitty details that get in the way of the basic idea here).

If you omit --index, git stash apply completely ignores the i commit.

If the stash has only two commits, git stash apply can now apply the w commit. It does this by calling git merge2 (without allowing it to commit or treat the result as a normal merge), using the original commit on which the stash was made (i's parent, and w's first parent) as the merge base, w as the --theirs commit, and your current (HEAD) commit as the target of the merge. If the merge succeeds, all is good—well, at least Git thinks so—and the git stash apply itself succeeds. If you used git stash pop to apply the stash, the code now drops the stash.3 If the merge fails, Git declares the apply to have failed. If you used git stash pop, the code retains the stash and delivers the same failure status as for git stash apply.

But if you have that third commit—if there is a u commit in the stash you are applying—then things change! There is no option to pretend that the u commit does not exist.4 Git insists on extracting all the files from that u commit, into the current work-tree. This means the files must either not exist at all, or have the same contents as in the u commit.

To make that happen, you can use git clean yourself—but remember that untracked files (ignored or not) have no other existence inside a Git repository, so be sure these files can all be destroyed! Or, you can make a temporary directory, and move the files there for safekeeping—or even do another git stash save -u or git stash save -a, since those will run git clean for you. But that just leaves you with another u-style stash to deal with later.

1This is in fact refs/stash. This matters if you make a branch named stash: the branch's full name is refs/heads/stash, so these are not in conflict. But don't do that: Git won't mind, but you will confuse yourself. :-)

2The git stash code actually uses git merge-recursive directly here. This is necessary for multiple reasons, and also has the side effect of making sure Git does not treat it as a merge when you resolve conflicts and commit.

3This is why I recommend avoiding git stash pop, in favor of git stash apply. You get a chance to review what got applied, and decide whether it was actually applied correctly. If not, you still have your stash which means you can use git stash branch to recover everything perfectly. Well, assuming the lack of that pesky u commit.

4There really should be: git stash apply --skip-untracked or something. There should also be a variant that means drop all those u commit files into a new directory, e.g., git stash apply --untracked-into <dir>, perhaps.