How to send/receive files via Bluetooth using commands/Terminal?

Send files:

bluetooth-sendto --device=12:34:56:78:9A:BC filename

To know your device name (12:34:56:78:9A:BC), you can issue this command:

hcitool scan

Receive files:

Haven't found it yet, but will let you know if it can be done using terminal


it looks like it can't be done through terminal. Blueman seems to do the trick but it's in GUI

I tested this with Ubuntu Bionic Beaver (18.04) and Android Lollipop.

  1. Ubuntu. Install the needed packages:

    sudo apt install bluez bluez-tools

    bluez-tools come with the following tools: bt-adapter bt-agent bt-device bt-network

  2. Ubuntu. Turn on the visibility:

    bt-adapter --set Discoverable 1
  3. Smartphone. Scan for remote devices to ID your Ubuntu machine.

  4. Ubuntu. Prep for managing incoming requests interactively with:

  5. Pair devices:

    1. Smartphone. Initiate pairing request;

    2. Ubuntu. Accept the request from the bt-agent screen.

  6. Ubuntu. Send files to smartphone with:

    bt-obex -p [remote_mac] [file]

    where [remote_mac] is the mac address of the smartphone. For example:

    bt-obex -p F0:6B:CA:A2:C4:69 ~/book.pdf
  7. Receive files from your smartphone:

    1. Ubuntu First create a Bluetooth file (obex) server:

      bt-obex -s [path]

      [path] is where to download files. For example:

      bt-obex -s ~/Downloads
    2. Smartphone. Send the file;

    3. Ubuntu. Accept the request from the bt-agent screen.

This works on my computer:

bluedevil-sendfile -u /org/bluez/hci0/dev_<address with underscores instead of colons> -f <file_with_absolute_path>

For example:

bluedevil-sendfile -u /org/bluez/hci0/dev_00_FF_00_FF_00_FF -f /home/tux/test.pdf