Proving analycity of two complex functions

We have :

a) $x^2-y^2+2ixy$


b) $x^2+y^2+y-2ix$

By Cauchy-Riemann equations, $u_x=v_y$ and $-v_x=u_y$ we obtain:

a) $u_x= 2x$, $v_y=2ix$, $-v_x=-2iy$, $u_y=-2y$

b) $u_x= 2x$, $v_y=0$, $-v_x=2i$, $u_y=2y+1$

Clearly, $u_x\ne v_y$ and $-v_x\ne u_y$ for both cases.

Still a) should be analytic.


Solution 1:

$u$ and $v$ are the real and imaginary parts of the functions, respectively. So, for (a), $$ u(x,y) = x^2 - y^2$$ $$ v(x,y) = 2xy$$ So $u_x = 2x, v_y = 2x$, and $u_y = -2y, -v_x = -2y$.

I'll leave the second one for you to try again.