Increase the font size in Firebug?

Is there a way to increase the font-size in the Firefox extension Firebug?

  1. Right click on the bug icon in the status bar.
  2. Select "Open Firebug in New Window"
  3. Select "View" > "Text Size" > "Increase Text Size"

The changes should stick if you revert back to opening Firebug in the same window.


In new versions you can simply click on the bug icon in the code navigator and choose 'Text size'.

Without opening Firebug in its own window, you can just click the bug icon in the top left of the Firebug pane and there is a "text size" option.

You increase the font-size in the Firefox extension Firebug as follows.

  1. Open firebug by pressing F12.
  2. Click on the bug icon of Firebug (The bug image at the left side of Firebug window plane.)
  3. On clicking on the bug icon, a menu bar will open. In the menu bar, the "Text Size" option will be found.
  4. Select the required Text Size from there.

In Firebug 1.9.1 you can simply click on the bug icon in the code navigator and then choose 'Text size'.

for mac that works for me

⌘ + Alt + Mousewheel