Windows 7 x64 support for Intel GMA 3650 (or GMA 3600)

Intel does not support 64-bit with that motherboard's graphics chipset. That's the official line.

Judging by version of the existing 32-bit driver (v, you may be able to get away with using the "Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 3150 Driver for Windows 7* 64 bit", as it reports "This driver package contains version (".

I've dealt with Intel drivers for many years now, and a) they have a duality when it comes to version numbers, and b) they are very good at bundling similar drivers together.

Often the driver 'version' is the bundle's version (v15.12.xxxx), which contains one or more drivers with their own version numbers (ie v8.14.xxxx); or something to that effect, I've never hammered it down exactly. :)

Unfortunately, if that one doesn't work you may be out of luck.

[latest edit]


search google for "GFX_Vista_Win7_64_8.15.8.1050_Beta5". tested on Acer Aspire One D270-26Dkk with Intel atom N2600, 4Gb DDR3 A-data 1333Mhz, under windows 7 Ultimate 64bit.

Good luck!


you can force the driver to install editing the .inf file, in this particular case: igdlh64.inf

  1. from device manager (Run -> DevMgmt.msc) right click and copy the Hardware ID of the display adapter
  2. insert it (in my case PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0BE1; you can keep the substring if you want/have it - this is enough to corectly identify the vga onboard) in the [Intel.Mfg.NTamd64] section of the .inf file replacing one, any or even all the existing hardware_IDs, so you will be able to try all the drivers for all the supported boards.
  3. replace the mames that will appear after identification with your own in order to be able to test them one by one in the section ; ; Localizable Strings ;
  4. manually install the drivers one by one, then restart, and try the next one (this is why you need to give them different names at the end of the .inf file)

if the driver is working with your board, you will see in DevMgmt.msc the message "This device is working properly" otherwise, you will get a 43 code - device was shut down by windows.

good luck trying any driver!

NB: under a 64bit OS, you need x64 drivers for a hardware. you may try to use a virtual machine with win32 installed, but.. what`s the point?

Sorry to give you the bad news, folks!

The so-called "Intel" GMA3600 actually was NOT designed by Intel, but is instead a PowerVR SGV545 licensed from British-based Imagination Technologies (

While Intel Corporation makes its own graphics programming documentation freely available (, Imagination Technologies considers its own programming documentation "Confidential Information" (a.k.a. military "Top Secret"). Imagination Technologies refuses to provide 64-bit drivers for its PowerVR graphics cores and is jealous of keeping its own documentation strictly under lock and key and of employing the long arm of the law to insist that its documentation remain Top Secret.

Plain and simple, folks. This is why Intel CANNOT produce drivers for the GMA3600 for ANY 64-bit operating system platform, whether it be Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, open-source Linux, you name it. Period.

It's not really an Intel GPU but an integrated/rebadged PowerVR SGX545, so Intel doesn't seem to have much control over it. They do not make 64-bit drivers for this GPU, and haven't made any plans to do so public.

I'm in the same boat. I'm using a Shuttle XS36V with that CPU, now as a low-power server. The same GPU (albeit slower clocked) was available in an older Atom, and there are still the same issues today with that 32-bit driver. I don't expect much here.

Intel recently released a "test" driver for x64 Windows.

Title: Intel® HD Graphics Test Driver for Windows 7 & Windows 8 64 (zip)



Operating Systems:Windows 7 (64-bit), Windows 8, 64-bit


  • 2nd Generation Intel® Core™ Processors with Intel® HD Graphics 3000/2000
  • 3rd Generation Intel® Core™ Processors with Intel® HD Graphics 4000/2500