$K \lhd G, \space \space G/K \simeq H_1$, and $K \simeq H_2$

Solution 1:

$G = H_1 \times H_2$

Consider a map $\phi : H_1 \times H_2 \to H_1$ defined by

$$\phi (h_1, h_2) =h_1$$

Then $\phi$ is a onto homomorphism (check!) from $H_1 \times H_2 \to H_1$.

\begin{align}Ker(\phi) &=\{(h_1, h_2) :\phi(h_1, h_2)=e_{H_1}\}\\ &=\{(e_{H_1},h):h\in H_2\} \\ &=K\end{align}

Since,$\phi : H_1 \times H_2 \to H_1$ is an onto homomorphism with $Ker(\phi) =K$.

  1. Hence, $K$ is a normal subgroup of $G= H_1 \times H_2$

  2. Then, by first Isomorphism Theorem, $G/K \simeq H_1$

  3. Define a map $\mu:K \to H_2$ by

$\mu(e_{H_1}, h) =h $ for all $h\in H_2$

This gives an isomorphism from $K$ to $H_2$.