What symbol to use to indicate the removal of a factor from an integer?

What symbol should I use if I want to indicate that I'm 'dropping', 'removing', 'dividing out' a factor from a value?

ie: let v = 180 = 2*2*3*3*5 I want to indicate v//2 = 45 = 3*3*5

I've seen "hats" placed over symbols/terms omitted in a sequence (or a repeated sum, a repeated product, etc.), such as $x_1,\,x_2,\,\ldots,\, x_{k-1},\,\widehat{x_k}, \,x_{k+1}, \,\ldots,\,x_n$ indicating that the term $x_k$ is omitted from the sequence $x_1,\, x_2,\, \ldots,\,x_n,\;$ so maybe you can use

$$v \, // \,2 \;\; = \;\; 45 \;\; = \;\; \widehat{2*2}\,*3*3*5$$

However, you should still define/explain this notation, and not assume readers will be familiar with it.