How to match a Spring @RequestMapping having a @pathVariable containing "/"?

I am doing the following request from the client:


where the search term "hello/there" has been URLencoded.

On the server I am trying to match this URL using the following request mapping:

public Map searchWithSearchTerm(@PathVariable String searchTerm) {
// more code here 

But I am getting error 404 on the server, due I don't have any match for the URL. I noticed that the URL is decoded before Spring gets it. Therefore is trying to match /search/hello/there which does not have any match.

I found a Jira related to this problem here: .But I still don't know how to solve my problem.

Any ideas?


There are no good ways to do it (without dealing with HttpServletResponse). You can do something like this:

public Map searchWithSearchTerm(HttpServletRequest request) { 
    // Don't repeat a pattern
    String pattern = (String)

    String searchTerm = new AntPathMatcher().extractPathWithinPattern(pattern, 
