How to write (not so) special characters on non US keyboards

I'm working in a programming lab where a lot of students are using the excellent MacBook Air hardware. Problems arise when they use virtualization to start let's say an Ubuntu machine to start their first hello world in c++. (a unix/linux like environment is required by the instructions and while osx would in principle be usable, it is in practice a more complex solution)

The keyboards usually comes with a Swedish keyboard layout. The characters Å (sits to the right of P) and Ö and Ä (sits to the right of L.) bumps off a lot of the useful programming stuff it seems.

Lets look at


Problems start with #, include is readily typed on the keyboard. The next problem is <, then of course >.

Then int main() is manageable, but that curly thingy for the statement block was Option and 7?

of course

std::cout << "Hello Think different\n";

Should be straightforward but I had to do some serious keyboard mashing to find backslash under the plus sign.

Is there a cheat sheet for the keyboard combinations for the regular programming symbols not visible on the keyboard.



I expect there to be more symbols I missed.

I noticed this quite not duplicate. Because they are in a virtual machine the near duplicate is quite impractical.

What is the easiest way to (remember how to ) type these characters?

The level of proficiency of OsX/computer use fluctuates wildly. The simpler the better.

Solution 1:

Below are key mappings for Option and Option Shift for the Swedish Pro Input Source, in case these are helpful:

Swedish Pro Option Level

Swedish Pro Option Shift Level