VS Code Squiggle line in HTML and CSS files

I updated VS Code to Version: 1.61.2 a week ago and I started noticing few error and warning squiggly lines in my CSS files. I have been working on this project for quite a while now, but these started showing up recently.\

How does VS Code calculate and display these error/warning lines and how to control these settings?

Few sample error categories are - compact-api/html, compact-api/css, css-prefix-order:

  • 'meta[name=theme-color]' is not supported by Firefox, Firefox for Android, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari < 15, Safari on iOS < 15 (compact-api/html)
  • 'transition' should be listed after '-moz-transition' (css-prefix-order)
  • 'display: grid' is not supported by Internet Explorer. Add 'display: -ms-grid' to support Internet Explorer 10+ (compact-api/css)

Sample Screenshot:

Screenshot of Problems tab in VS Code terminal

Its https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/visual-studio-code/webhint

  "vscode-edge-devtools.webhint": false