Has anyone actually gotten AT&T to unlock an iPhone?

Solution 1:

I went through the same process with a 3GS and an iPhone 4 when I moved to China last year. With two phones at stake, I many spent hours searching and tried calling and visiting stores, but no luck.

Unless something changed in the last year, it's not possible. The good news is that you can unlock it yourself.

Solution 2:

Yes, I've unlocked 4 myself and helped family members and friends unlock another dozen.

The web interface is nice, but I also call them after 2 days if the unlock isn't done since most of the unlock requests are either processed rapidly or hung due to an error or mis-typing/missing entirely a digit or two. Once I get someone on the phone, the unlock usually is done the next day but I also follow their procedure and submit the web form first before bugging AT&T in person.

So, the process is straightforward andbutyou'll do well to triple check your IMEI and account details before submitting your unlock request. I've not had any issues by following the guide as published by AT&T - even when we purchased an AT&T phone second hand for a gift / spare phone while traveling internationally or for a young child to use as an iPod and occasional unlocked phone.

Here is AT&T's knowledge base on their current unlock policy:

  • What are the eligibility requirements for unlocking iPhone?

Solution 3:

I'm sorry, but no chance. We moved to Germany in September and our phone are not working here. T-Mobile cannot do anything. The good thing is, that the phones you buy over here are free to use all over the world after 2 years because the companies have to release them by law. Soooo, At&T is the problem, not Apple!