How to checksum for a DVD under Panther?

I'm helping a friend checking if a DVD was burned properly but he's saying that under Panther there's no Images menu in Disk Utility.

It looks like Panther's hdiutil supports checksumming, even if the Disk Utility GUI might not:

hdiutil checksum myimage.dmg -type MD5

(The supported types of checksums are listed in the man page. A common one seems to be UDIF-CRC32. If you use UDIF-CRC32 or UDIF-MD5 the checksums will be calculated separately per partition.)

Or you could always simply use the md5 command:

md5 myimage.dmg

Use hdiutil on the mounted drive:

hdiutil checksum /dev/disk1 -type UDIF-CRC32

The final calculated CRC appears at the bottom when the command completes running:

macbook:~ me$ hdiutil checksum /dev/disk1 -type UDIF-CRC32
Checksumming Driver Descriptor Map (DDM : 0)…
 Driver Descriptor Map (DDM : 0): calculated CRC32 $4F7D78B1
Checksumming Apple (Apple_partition_map : 1)
 Apple (Apple_partition_map : 1): calculated CRC32 $C4E22BED
Checksumming disk image (Apple_HFS : 2)
      disk image (Apple_HFS : 2): calculated CRC32 $04805620
Checksumming  (Apple_Free : 3)…
(Apple_Free : 3): calculated CRC32 $00000000
calculated CRC32 $52BB898F

This final calculated CRC ($52BB898F in the above example) is exactly the same as the one reported by Disk Utility:

Disk Utility CRC

You can use the diskutil list command for assistance in finding out the mounted drive's name.