excel - how to enter formula for entire column

I know if I select the entire column and then enter the formula in first column and then press ctrl+enter, it would be taken care of. However, my first row is title row. How else should I do it?

  1. Enter your desired formula into the 2nd row of the column you want to fill.
    • Make sure to use $ for any referenced cells where the row stays the same for all equations.
  2. Select the cell containing the formula, and press Ctrl + Shift + Down.
    • This should select all cells in that column between the selected cell and the very bottom.
  3. Then press Ctrl + D.
    • This should fill all the selected cells with the formula you entered into the 2nd row's cell.

Explaining the $ sign a little more.

Example: =VLOOKUP(A2,$B$2:$C$21,2)

Here the value for B2:C21 will be constant for all the cells.

  1. Copy the column
  2. Click anywhere in your data and Format it as Table Excel 2010 -> Home Tab -> Format as Table
  3. Insert the column, Change the Title to what ever.
  4. Type the formula in the first cell under that
  5. You'll see a lighting icon appear, click it and it will apply it to the entire column.

Update based on a good point by pnuts, no reason to delete the column, copying the column keeps the data!