Remote Desktop Connection can't connect to Windows Server 2012

Mission to Remote Desktop INTO Windows Server 2012 (standalone).


  • Control Panel, System, Remote Settings, Remote Desktop – Allow
  • All firewalls off
  • Connect attempt using a known IP address (ping works ok)
  • Connect Option as a user who has already logged on.

Error message:

Remote Access Cannot Connect
1)  Remote access not enabled
2)  Remote computer turned off
3)  Remote computer not available

Additional info:

  • The Server 2012 can RDC OUT.
  • The machines I use to connect IN are Windows 7 and Windows 8, they will RDC to other machines.
  • I have fair experience of configuring remote desktop.


Is this a fault of beta software on the 2012 server, or is there a new way of getting RDC to work that I am missing?

I have noticed that sometime enabling remote desktop does not correctly enable the firewall exception for port 3389. Please check whether the appropriate rule is enabled. If it is, try disabling and immediately enabling the firewall. This worked for me on several occasions.

You'll probably need a CAL (Client Access License) in order to access the Windows Server 2012's resources.