How can I tell Puppet "If I declare class X, apply its resources before class Y"?

Solution 1:

Not sure if it will work, but maybe you could try to define the dependencies on a node level scope. For example:

class X {

class Y {

node N {
   include Y

node M {
    Class['X'] -> Class['Y']
    include X
    include Y

Solution 2:

It looks like golja's answer might work. Here's the pattern I landed on myself. It seems to be working so far.

class yum::reposareready {

    # The sole and critical purpose of this class is to act as an
    # intermediary between various repositories and the package
    # resources. It lets us do things like:

    # class yum::repofoo { ... }

    # class applicationbar {
    #     package { 'bazfromtherightrepo': ..., require => yum::reposareready, }
    # }

    # node n {
    #     class { 'yum::repofoo': before => Class['yum::reposareready'] }
    # }

    # With this pattern:

    # 1. The repository resource doesn't need to know about its ordering.

    # 2. Nodes can mix in repository resources, including and excluding
    #    repositories as needed.

    # 3. Classes that declare package resources need only require a
    #    generic "repos are ready" class rather than the knowing the
    #    specific repository from which to get a package.


    # class yum::repofoo { before => Class['yum::reposareready'] }
    # class yum::repobar { before => Class['yum::reposareready'] }
    # node n {
    #     include yum::repofoo
    # }
    # node m {
    #     include yum::repobar
    # }

    # The former scopes the ordering dependency to the node, whereas the
    # latter does not. The latter would make Puppet apply yum::repofoo
    # to both nodes n and m, whereas the former only applies
    # yum::repofoo to node n.
