Running a caching DNS server on my LAN

I have a Raspberry Pi, and I'd like to use it as a DNS server on my LAN.

I'd like it to work like the following:

The Raspberry Pi is a DNS server, but not a fancy one. When it receives a request, if it doesn't have the result cached, it looks it up from another DNS server, and caches it for future.

I've looked at a few solutions, but they're all fiendishly complex, as if I'm setting up some kind of uber DNS solution for an enterprise.

All I want is to speed up repeated DNS requests to make web browsing faster.

Oh, OS is Debian Squeeze.

Two simple solutions:

1) Run DJB's dnscache - it does exactly what you want, and nothing more, and once you get your head around configuring it, it's light and unobtrusive.

2) Run dnsmasq. It's a more full-featured DNS/DHCP server that can be configured quite easily to do what you want (it's what I use on my home LAN)