Use wildcard with os.path.isfile()

Solution 1:

glob is what you need.

>>> import glob
>>> glob.glob('*.rar')   # all rar files within the directory, in this case the current working one

os.path.isfile() returns True if a path is an existing regular file. So that is used for checking whether a file already exists and doesn't support wildcards. glob does.

Solution 2:

Without using os.path.isfile() you won't know whether the results returned by glob() are files or subdirectories, so try something like this instead:

import fnmatch
import os

def find_files(base, pattern):
    '''Return list of files matching pattern in base folder.'''
    return [n for n in fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(base), pattern) if
        os.path.isfile(os.path.join(base, n))]

rar_files = find_files('somedir', '*.rar')

You could also just filter the results returned by glob() if you like, and that has the advantage of doing a few extra things relating to unicode and the like. Check the source in if it matters.

[n for n in glob(pattern) if os.path.isfile(n)]

Solution 3:

import os
[x for x in os.listdir("your_directory") if len(x) >= 4 and  x[-4:] == ".rar"]