How to raise custom event from a Static Class

I have a static class that I would like to raise an event as part of a try catch block within a static method of that class.

For example in this method I would like to raise a custom event in the catch.

public static void saveMyMessage(String message)
        //Do Database stuff
    catch (Exception e)
              //Raise custom event here

Thank you.

Solution 1:

Important: be very careful about subscribing to a static event from instances. Static-to-static is fine, but a subscription from a static event to an instance handler is a great (read: very dangerous) way to keep that instance alive forever. GC will see the link, and will not collect the instance unless you unsubscribe (or use something like a WeakReference).

The pattern for creating static events is the same as instance events, just with static:

public static event EventHandler SomeEvent;

To make life easier (re null checking), a useful trick here is to add a trivial handler:

public static event EventHandler SomeEvent = delegate {};

Then you can simply invoke it without the null-check:

SomeEvent(null, EventArgs.Empty);

Note that because delegate instances are immutable, and de-referencing is thread-safe, there is never a race condition here, and no need to lock... who-ever is subscribed when we de-reference gets invoked.

(adjust for your own event-args etc). This trick applies equally to instance events.

Solution 2:

Your event would also need to be static:

public class ErrorEventArgs : EventArgs
    private Exception error;
    private string message;

    public ErrorEventArgs(Exception ex, string msg)
        error = ex;
        message = msg;

    public Exception Error
        get { return error; }

    public string Message 
        get { return message; }

public static class Service
    public static EventHandler<ErrorEventArgs> OnError;

    public static void SaveMyMessage(String message)
            EventHandler<ErrorEventArgs> errorEvent = OnError;
        if (errorEvent != null)
            errorEvent(null, new ErrorEventArgs(null, message));

And Usage:

public class Test
   public void OnError(object sender, ErrorEventArgs args)

 Test t = new Test();
 Service.OnError += t.OnError;
 Service.SaveMyMessage("Test message");

Solution 3:

Several folks have offered up code examples, just don't fire an event using code such as:

if(null != ExampleEvent)
  ExampleEvent(/* put parameters here, for events: sender, eventArgs */);

as this contains a race condition between when you check the event for null and when you actually fire the event. Instead use a simple variation:

MyEvent exampleEventCopy = ExampleEvent;
if(null != exampleEventCopy)
  exampleEventCopy(/* put parameters here, for events: sender, eventArgs */);

This will copy any event subscribers into the exampleEventCopy, which you can then use as a local-only version of the public event without having to worry about any race conditions (Essentially, it is possible that another thread could pre-empt you right after you have checked the public event for null and proceed to remove all subscribers from the event, causing the subsequent firing of the event to throw an exception, by using a local-only copy, you avoid the possibility of another thread removing subscribers, since there is no way they could access the local variable).