Capitalize first words in a list? [duplicate]
Possible Duplicate:
Capitalization for a bullet list
When using a list, like this:
- first item
- second item
- third item
should the first word in each item be capitalized? I.e., is this better style:
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
Does this depend on the content of the list, i.e. whether I use just keywords like in my example, or whole sentences?
Yes, it depends on the content - and the context - of the list. In a way you have to kind of forget that the bullet points are there and decide whether the list is part of one big sentence or whether each point is a separate sentence. For example:
(all one sentence - lower case):
In my spare time I like to:
- cut down trees
- eat my lunch
- go to the lavatory
(separate sentences - capital letters):
Some characteristics of a lumberjack I know:
- He's ok.
- He sleeps all night and he works all day.
- On Wednesdays he goes shopping and has buttered scones for tea.