Upload images to imgur account from shutter

Solution 1:

With the standard plugins, this cannot currently be done.
It could be made possible but to date, nobody has sat down and written the required code.

The FTP section that Mitch is pointing to is for uploading to FTP servers and is separate from the Accounts section above it.

Solution 2:

Yes you can upload to your own FTP. Just add the information under Edit --> Preferences, and add it there. See image below.

enter image description here

The FTP details are ISP dependent, just ask your ISP for that. In may case as an example: ftp://website.com/public_html/<folder_name>. Folder name is where you want your images to go. To choose FTP as the upload location, right click on the image --> export and then choose FTP.

enter image description here

You have to have a registered account with Imgur, and then check Authorized Upload, or OAuth Upload which means (The Imgur API uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication. OAuth 2.0 has four steps: registration, authorization, making the request, and getting new access_tokens after the initial one expired.)

enter image description here