Is there a form to upload files to MEGA( from Ubuntu Server(SSH)?
I was wondering if someones knows how to install a client, like megatools, in Ubuntu Server(SSH) to upload and download files to MEGA(
Thanks in advance, Joserex65.
Solution 1:
You can install megatools like so
git clone
cd megatools/
sudo apt-get install libtool libglib2.0-dev gobject-introspection libgmp3-dev nettle-dev asciidoc glib-networking#(these are the dependancies I needed, you may need others)
sudo make install
More robust way which seems to install all the tools:
sudo apt-get install libtool libglib2.0-dev gobject-introspection libgmp3-dev nettle-dev asciidoc glib-networking
zcat megatools-1.9.94.tar.gz > megatools-1.9.94.tar
tar -xf megatools-1.9.94.tar
cd megatools-1.9.94/
sudo make install
Edit To install just the binary on vivid and wily (15.04/15.10), you can just run sudo apt-get install megatools
. On earlier versions, you can run
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:megous/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install megatools
From the Readme:
megareg Register and verify a new mega account
megadf Show your cloud storage space usage/quota
megals List all remote files
megamkdir Create remote directory
megarm Remove remote file or directory
megamv Move and rename remote files
megaput Upload individual files
megaget Download individual files
megadl Download file from a "public" Mega link
(doesn't require login)
megastream Streaming download of a file
(can be used to preview videos or music)
megasync Upload or download a directory tree
megafs Mount remote filesystem locally.
See also
Solution 2:
There is a command line tool provided by the official.
see MEGAcmd