Common term for differential equations and recurrence relations

One general approach to unifying differential and difference equations goes by the term time scale calculus. From Wikipedia: "Many results concerning differential equations carry over quite easily to corresponding results for difference equations, while other results seem to be completely different from their continuous counterparts. The study of dynamic equations on time scales reveals such discrepancies, and helps avoid proving results twice — once for differential equations and once again for difference equations. The general idea is to prove a result for a dynamic equation where the domain of the unknown function is a so-called time scale (also known as a time-set), which may be an arbitrary closed subset of the reals. In this way, results apply not only to the set of real numbers or set of integers but to more general time scales such as a Cantor set."

Besides the Wikipedia article, a standard reference is Dynamic Equations on Time Scales, by Martin Bohner and Allan Peterson. The field is relatively new - Wikipedia says it was introduced in 1988 by Stefan Hilger in (I believe, although Wikipedia does not say this) his doctoral dissertation - and so it is not that well-known yet.

They're both examples of the study of finitely-generated modules over a principal ideal domain. In the case of (linear, homogeneous, constant-coefficient) differential equations the PID is $k[D]$ where $D$ is the derivative, and in the case of (linear, homogeneous, constant-coefficient) recurrence relations the PID is $k[x]$ where $x$ is alternately the forward difference, the backward difference, the left shift, or the right shift depending on your preferences. The particular case of the ring $k[x]$ is essentially the theory of Jordan normal form.

One approach to unify the theory of differential and difference operators is pseudo-linear algebra - based on work of Ore and Jacobson. For a recent introduction from an algorithmic viewpoint see Manuel Bronstein and Marko Petkovsek: An Introduction to Pseudo-Linear Algebra (1996).