On Apple M1 with Rosetta, how to open entire Terminal / iTerm in x86_64 architecture? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

After installing Rosetta:

softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license

It seems to be a good idea to run your entire Terminal in Rosetta:

  • Go to Finder > Applications and find your Terminal (this can also be other terminal app, like iTerm in my case)
  • Right-Click the App and Duplicate it and rename it "Terminal i386"
  • Right-Click "Terminal i386" > Get Info > Enable Open using Rosetta
  • Click to Open the Terminal, type arch to verify it says i386 now.
  • Right-Click the Terminal i386 in your Dock and click "Keep in Dock" for future use.

It is important to install/update/deploy within the "Terminal i386" window now, your normal Terminal will be arm64 and won't have the same libraries. Consider full emulation as the easiest solution without a lot of workaround with flags and running multiple brew in parallel. It just works.

Source: https://betterprogramming.pub/5-things-i-have-learned-when-using-the-m1-chip-macbook-air-a77f93c50381#5a64