Lock/disable the zoom on Chrome Browser [duplicate]

Is there a way to disable/lock the mouse/touchpad zoom in the Chrome browser? I find myself accidentally triggering ctrl-wheel or touchpad-two-finger far more often than do intentionally.

As an afterwards bandaid fix, Ctrl-0 will quickly restore zoom to 100%.

Solution 1:

For a quick and dirty solution I found @ http://productforums.google.com/forum/#!category-topic/chrome/discuss-chrome/-rtDLZmN9bk

Followed rd2020's comment for AutoHotkey (as I am already running it for other things)

Downloaded AutoHotKey software In the AutoHotkey.ahk file, added these to do nothing for Cntrl+MouseWheelScrolling

#IfWinActive ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1
    #MaxHotkeysPerInterval 1000

Solution 2:

There is an extension that can prevent it.

Just make sure to


Installation Instructions
1. Install the extension
2. Go to extension settings. Make sure that "allow access to file url's" is checked
3. Refresh Your tabs