How to avoid keyboard pushing layout up on Android react-native

The problem here is that you have in your AndroidManifest.xml:


Change it to:


Note: after this change you'll need run ./gradlew clean in android folder and react-native run-android in your project directory

I tried all the solutions I could find in GitHub or stack overflow. Adding the following line of code in AndroidManifest.xml will be helpful.

I've tried this


Sometimes it works but it misbehaves.

And then I came accross this


This also misbehaves I finally combined both of them something like this and it works fine out of the box.


And then you can use react-native KeyboardAvoidingView component.

    style={{ flex: 1}}
    behavior={Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 'padding' : undefined}
    keyboardVerticalOffset={Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 40 : 0}

Hope this helps you.



in Manifest worked for me.

All the answers are good, but didn't work when using expo.

Managed workflow

If using expo you can use softwareKeyboardLayoutMode like this inside app.json:

"android": {
  "softwareKeyboardLayoutMode": "pan"

You need to be on expo version 38.0.0+

Bare workflow

Otherwise, modifying AndroidManifest.xml works:


Well, thanks to the React Native FB group I got a solution: The status bar has to be not 'hidden' in order for this to work. Really weird bug..