How can I turn off proofing/spellcheck in Word 2010 for a single document?

I have a document that I open/edit often. I want to turn off the spellcheck functionality for this document, but not for all other documents (and I don't want to have to File/Options/Proofing every time I open it).

Is there a way to turn off proofing selectively (i.e., on a per/document basis)?

Solution 1:

I found a better way to do this in Word 2010 after getting so frustrated with this. This is THE way to go if you ask me when working with multiple Styles, etc.

  • Open your document
  • File
  • Options
  • Proofing
  • On the right pane, scroll down
  • Check both checkboxes to enable an Exception for grammar and spelling for your document

enter image description here

Solution 2:

Here is one method I found that suits my needs:

You can modify the "Normal" style* for that document (which in turn modifies any styles based on Normal). From the Styles bar, r-click on Normal, select "Modify", click the "Format" button (bottom left), select "Language", and check the box labeled "Do not check spelling or grammar."

(A more detailed set of instructions with screenshots can be found here.)

* Not to be confused with the Normal template, changes to which would effect all subsequent documents.