How to disable/destroy forever Chrome's "print preview" option?
This question seems to come up a lot (pretty much every time a new version of Chrome is released). Previous answers such as these no longer apply (or don't work for Mac), however:
How do I get the "old style" system print dialog for Chrome on Windows?
Disable Chromes Ctrl+P handling of printing
Sadly, Google seems intent on shoving this broken preview screen down our throats (The thought of someone not wanting to use their nonstandard, feature-poor alternative to a systemwide service is inconceivable to them, apparently), and the "disable" flag no longer seems to exist in recent versions.
Anyone know how to disable it in modern versions of the browser, which no longer include this option under "chrome://flags?" (OS-X specifically?)
Solution 1:
If you want to totally disable it, here's the trick (on Mac of course), type this using a terminal :
defaults write DisablePrintPreview -boolean true
Found here :
Seems that the guy was as angry as me with this incredible feature :p
Hope this help...
Be careful: it totally disables the Chrome print preview... To get it back:
defaults write DisablePrintPreview -boolean false
Solution 2:
You could also swap the shortcuts in System Preferences:
(Or edit the property list directly with defaults write NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add "Print Using System Dialog..." "@p" "Print..." "~@p"
Solution 3:
The option to disable isn't on the tools screen, and you're right, they did remove the flag. That means that (as of now) it's part of chrome, and getting rid of it would be very difficult, boarder-lining impossible.
You can however just press Shift + Ctrl + P, and you'll automatically bypass the Google Chrome Print Preview dialog. You won't be permanently removing the feature from Chrome, but it should do the trick.
The above key combination works on windows machines. I don't know about OS-X specifically, but I'm sure that key combinations are consistent across nearly all operating systems for programs like Chrome. Refer to the picture for additional information.
Solution 4:
Chrome removed the ability to disable print preview, but on Windows you can still disable it if you modify the application shortcut:
add --disable-print-preview to the end of the "Destination", so it read something like:
"C:\Users\MyUser\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -- disable-print-preview
This will make CTRL+P default to the regular OS-specific print dialog. Ctrl+shift+P also works, for those who can remember the hotkey every time.