Origin of the word "jack" to mean theft or to steal

This is my very first query/post. I was attempting to find out the history in American slang for using the word jack to mean theft. In a sentence it might be Someone jacked my bike last night. I had it locked up but when I got up it was gone.

Or I'm gonna jack that camera when they're not looking.

When I started my web search I had no idea what a can of worms I was opening. OED has two terms one dating back to 1841 I think was jacklight and the other was 1840 but neither had anything to do with theft.

I've tried many different iterations to complete a Google search and other search engines. It only seems to baffle to cyber world.

It appears to be the from hijack according to Random House Dictionary.

Jack verb (used with object), Slang:

  • to steal: Some neighborhood kids jacked her car and took it for a joyride. Hackers jacked my email account in a phishing scam.

  • to rob: He got jacked on his way home from the club

Origin First recorded in 1930-35; shortening of hijack

Hijack in its original meaning meant:

  • [late 19C+] (orig. US) a hold-up followed by the theft of goods (often exercised by one criminal upon another), thus the gangster/robber who performs the hold-up; also attrib.

(Green's Dictionary of Slang)