Can the Asus Zenbooks be used safely with their lids closed?

From all the images of the Zenbooks that I've seen, it would appear closing the lid would obstruct most or all airflow, potentially overheating the machines.

Is this the case? Can they be used with closed lids to allow external monitor use (like a desktop computer)?

Solution 1:

Lack of airflow may cause your computer to run at higher temperature.

Even if this does not exceed the laptop's specifications, you could still be shortening your battery life.

In addition, as far as I can see, the battery on this model is not easily replaceable and you’ll probably void your warranty by doing so.

This is taken from the article How to Prolong Lithium-based Batteries :


As the laptop will most probably be connected to the mains while its lid is closed, battery charge will probably remain at 100%, where temperature highs have maximum effect.

Solution 2:

I own an Asus UL30A which I believe is an older model of zen UX{21,31}. For what it's worth I often leave my computer with the lid closed at night... on my bed. I haven't experienced any problems yet. It gets a little warm, perhaps up to 65 degrees according to sensors(1), normally 60 or less I think.

Mind you, I have not tried to let it compile the linux kernel or similar CPU intensive jobs. I think it'll be fine, but YMMV.

Here's the specs for the UL30A (sorry, not the best source):

Solution 3:

Yes, you can use it with a closed lid with no problems; I use it like this every day. I don't know what type of work you do, but if you're stressing the hardware a lot it's good to lift up the tail of the Zenbook a little bit (about 1 inch/2cm) to create space for airflow. Its not needed, but I think that can extend life of my machine. :)