Can I access my desktop over VNC at a different screen size?

Solution 1:

As noted here on x11vnc's home page, you can scale and crop x11vnc's output to be whatever you'd like. In my case, I'd do something like this:

xllvnc -clip 1920x1080+0+0 -scale 1280x720 ...

This would crop my output to only contain the first monitor, then scale down the whole image to be 1280x720. Scaling can take place on the client as well, but this is given here as an option.

Solution 2:

I had the same issue, as my desktop runs on a hdtv (1920X1080) and I wanted to view it on my laptop. Although I wasn't able to get vnc to scale, there is a program called FreeNX that does scale, it also has several other advantages over vnc, compression was another big one for me.