How do I prevent zsh from suspending python script

Someone once told me that zsh is just a different version of bash because of some copyright thing, so I guess I ask this question here. I have a python script that's running in a terminal and for no reason it just stops. When I interrupt it says:

zsh: suspended python

I dont think it's my code. I think this is a "feature". How do I prevent this feature from happening?

I read this:

but as there is no prompt when the script is running I can't type fg

There's also this for bash:

Is there a python version?

Well, whoever told you that, had no clue. Bash is a shell. Zsh is a different shell. Ksh is a third shell. Tcsh is... well, you get the idea. These all ship with macOS.

Having said that... how do you "interrupt" your script? If you are typing ^Z, then you are suspending it, that's what ^Z does. An "interrupt" is ^C.

Is this script supposed to be displaying some output? Can you share this script?

Type ^T and see what the shell says is going on.

[698] mbp13 $ python3 -c "input()"
load: 3.20  cmd: Python 59024 waiting 0.02u 0.02s
load: 3.09  cmd: Python 59024 waiting 0.02u 0.02s

Example above... python is waiting for input.