Different ways to say "you're welcome" [duplicate]

  • Of course
  • No problem
  • Don't mention it
  • It was nothing
  • By all means
  • No worries
  • That's OK
  • That's alright
  • My pleasure
  • You're welcome
  • Not at all

A personal favourite of mine is My pleasure!

No, I wouldn't say "for sure". The intention of responding to thanks is to politely dismiss them - essentially saying that the thanks were unnecessary, that you didn't do whatever they're thanking you for in order to receive their thanks. "For sure" seems to do the opposite of this.

Alternatives I use in response to thanks include:

That's ok / That's all right

It's a pleasure / My pleasure

No worries

Alternatively you could just nod and smile in acceptance of the thanks - words aren't always necessary.

This may strike you as odd, but I like to say "Mm-mm Thank yooou" :)

But others are "Oh! Anytime" , "You got it!", "Peaches and Cream", and the nonverbal strong head-nod(a subtle curtsy and cowboy gunshot-mime doesn't hurt).