Associative Arrays in Ruby

Solution 1:

Unlike PHP which conflates arrays and hashes, in Ruby (and practically every other language) they're a separate thing.

In your case it'd be:

a = {'Peter' => 32, 'Quagmire' => 'asdas'}

There are several freely available introductory books on ruby and online simulators etc.

Solution 2:

Use hashes, here's some examples on how to get started (all of these do the same thing, just different syntax):

a =
a["Peter"] = 32
a["Quagmire"] = 'asdas'

Or you could do:

a = {}
a["Peter"] = 32
a["Quagmire"] = 'asdas'

Or even a one liner:

a = {"Peter" => 32, "Quagmire" => 'gigity'}