Resize command prompt through commands

I want to resize the command prompt window in a batch file, is it possible to set a height and width through something I can just add in the batch file?

Modify cmd.exe properties using the command prompt Pretty much has what you're asking for. More on the topic, mode con: cols=160 lines=78 should achieve what you want. Change 160 and 78 to your values.

mode con:cols=[whatever you want] lines=[whatever you want].

The unit is the number of characters that fit in the command prompt, eg.

mode con:cols=80 lines=100

will make the command prompt 80 ASCII chars of width and 100 of height

Simply type

MODE [width],[height]


MODE 14,1

That is the smallest size possible.

MODE 1000,1000

is the largest possible, although it probably won't even fit your screen. If you want to minimize it, type

start /min [yourbatchfile/cmd]

and of course, to maximaze,

start /max [yourbatchfile/cmd]

I am currently working on doing this from the same batch files so that you don't have to have two or start it with cmd. of course, there are shortcuts, but I'm gonna try to figure it out.

Most people will tell you to run this command:

mode con:cols=80 lines=100

but you should just try typing:

MODE 1000

as a line in your batch file or cmd prompt.