How to add a right margin to the Visual Studio Code editor?

Is it possible to add a right margin to the Visual Studio Code editor?

I would like to set a margin of 80 characters, but can't find such option in the settings.

Solution 1:

According to the Visual Studio Code's user and workspace settings documentation, you can add rulers which mark specified columns.

Search for "ruler" in Settings. Click on the link to edit the .json file. Add the property below for rule at 80 characters.

Example setting:

// Columns at which to show vertical rulers
"editor.rulers": [80],

Solution 2:

Navigation to follow

  1. File -> Preferences -> Settings
  2. Select the tab option: Applies to only => 'User' or 'Workspace'
  3. Search for 'rulers'
  4. open the setting.json under 'rulers'
  5. add the line "editor.rulers": [80]

Version I'm using is 1.49.1