What is the purpose of the default keyword in Java?

Solution 1:

It's a new feature in Java 8 which allows an interface to provide an implementation. Described in Java 8 JLS-13.5.6. Interface Method Declarations which reads (in part)

Adding a default method, or changing a method from abstract to default, does not break compatibility with pre-existing binaries, but may cause an IncompatibleClassChangeError if a pre-existing binary attempts to invoke the method. This error occurs if the qualifying type, T, is a subtype of two interfaces, I and J, where both I and J declare a default method with the same signature and result, and neither I nor J is a subinterface of the other.

What's New in JDK 8 says (in part)

Default methods enable new functionality to be added to the interfaces of libraries and ensure binary compatibility with code written for older versions of those interfaces.

Solution 2:

Default methods were added to Java 8 primarily to support lambda expressions. The designers (cleverly, in my view) decided to make lambdas syntax for creating anonymous implementations of an interface. But given lambdas can only implement a single method they would be limited to interfaces with a single method which would be a pretty severe restriction. Instead, default methods were added to allow more complex interfaces to be used.

If you need some convincing of the claim that default was introduced due to lambdas, note that the straw man proposal of Project Lambda, by Mark Reinhold, in 2009, mentions 'Extension methods' as a mandatory feature to be added to support lambdas.

Here's an example demonstrating the concept:

interface Operator {
    int operate(int n);
    default int inverse(int n) {
        return -operate(n);

public int applyInverse(int n, Operator operator) {
    return operator.inverse(n);

applyInverse(3, n -> n * n + 7);

Very contrived I realise but should illustrate how default supports lambdas. Because inverse is a default it can easily be overriden by a implementing class if required.

Solution 3:

Something that was overlooked in the other answers was its role in annotations. As far back as Java 1.5, the default keyword came about as a means to provide a default value for an annotation field.

public @interface Processor {
    String value() default "AMD";

It usage was overloaded with the introduction of Java 8 to allow one to define a default method in interfaces.

Something else that was overlooked: the reason that the declaration default class MyClass {} is invalid is due to the way that classes are declared at all. There's no provision in the language that allows for that keyword to appear there. It does appear for interface method declarations, though.