Keyboard shortcuts not working in gnome 3.10

I am not a fan of unity so I decided to install gnome 3 on my PC which is running Ubuntu 13.10. But after the installation, I am failing to use some shortcuts like Ctrl+Alt+T to open the terminal and others for volume. Would someone help me please.

Solution 1:

EDIT: The easier way is reloading gnome shell using Alt+F2 (and then r)

Older way:

Same is the case for me. Try this

  1. mv .gconf/ .gconf.bak

  2. Logout and Login back.

It worked for me in Ubuntu Gnome 14.10.

Source :

Solution 2:

Open Keyboard Settings, and go to Shortcuts.

Click the + to add a new one, enter this, and click 'Apply':
'Open Terminal' under Name, and 'gnome-terminal' under Command

Then click 'Disabled', and press Ctrl+Alt+T to assign that keyboard shortcut.

If it prompts, press 'Reassign':

Solution 3:

In my case the gnome-settings-daemon process was hang:

 0 D alex   3798  3587  0  80   0 - 472136 rpc_wa Apr18 tty2    00:00:17 /usr/libexec/gnome-settings-daemon

I just killed it and it reloads automatically. After that everything is working properly.