Unable to mount My Passport 1TB hardisk in Ubuntu 14.04 [duplicate]

Solution 1:

On your external harddrive, the master file table (MFT) and its copy (MFTMirr) are seemingly no longer consistent.

You might want to fix it using the Linux tool ntfsfix on the command line.

  1. Hook the drive to your Linux machine.
  2. Open a terminal by holding the ALT and the CTRL down while pressing the t key.
  3. In the terminal, enter which ntfsfix and press RETURN to launch the command. If you receive a line like /bin/ntfsfix, this means that the tool is already installed and can be used to fix the problem. This should be the case.
  4. Fixing a problem like the one you describe requires special rights a normal user doesn't have (for good reasons). Consequently, the repair operation has to be carried ot with super user priviledges. This is achieved by prefixing the command you want to use with sudo, which means super user do.

  5. Since the external hard drive was not mounted, you need to call it by its device name. From the error message that you gave, we read that it is /dev/sdb1.

  6. To sum it up: Enter sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdb1 in the terminal and press RETURN. You will be asked for your password. Enter that and press RETURN again.

Good luck!