Tool to identify all filepaths/filenames exceeding Windows' allowed length?
I have a folder containing several nested subfolders.
The parent folder is 1.2GB, and contains nearly 3,000 mainly screenshot image files.
My Mac doesn't have a problem with the long filepaths/names obvs, but I now need to share these files with a very large UK Authority running Windows (not sure which version, as my Q has fallen on deaf ears so far...)
I think the only method I will be allowed to share the files by is OneDrive/Sharepoint - the Authority is restricted from using any other Cloud sharing method.
Due to the nesting (which has to stay) many of the filenames/paths are too long, and One Drive is repeatedly rejecting over 1,200 of them without syncing.
Pop-up error box only shows one offending filepath, helpfully doesn't offer a list of 'non-compliant' files.
Is there a quick way of identifying and grouping the offending filenames/filepath names together so as I can rename them?
I don't want to batch rename them in case that alters the meaning I've chosen for the individual file names, which are important.
Over 95% of the files are image-only files and evidence in an employee fraud investigation. Each filename is important as it gives context to the image, hence me not wanting to use a batch tool to change the names to something shorter but unhelpful.
I don't mind going through them one by one, but need to know which are the 'offending' filenames/filepaths if I'm to do so.
It may be that I can also nest the folders slightly differently if I know which ones are causing the problems, as that may reduce the filepath length.
Ideally I'm seeking a canny bit of software similar to MassReplaceIt (which I've already used to find and replace 'illegal characters' in the filenames) but can use terminal command if no software exists.
Solution 1:
Assuming somewhat sane file/folder names
find TOPDIR | while read line; do [[ ${#line} -gt 1200 ]] && echo $line; done
will print all paths/files where the combined length exceeds 1200 characters. This should allow to spot troublesome folder names and rename them accordingly.