Installing gnuplot (or similar) on Lion

All the packages needed to install gnuplot through MacPorts on Lion succeed, except for aquaterm.

Installing gnuplot through Fink is far less lucky on Lion. Fink bails out after only a third of the packages needed for gnuplot have been installed, but Fink does install aquaterm.

Is there a way to 'port install gnuplot' while pointing MacPorts to the aquaterm installation generated by Fink?

Also nice would be to know of a method to install gnuplot on Lion that uses neither Fink nor MacPorts. Learning about a replacement for gnuplot itself on OSX would be handy.

Solution 1:

I used Homebrew to install gnuplot. I believe I had to use specify --nolua. First, I installed aqua term: brew install aquaterm. Then I installed gnuplot with brew install gnuplot --nolua and that was it, gnuplot picked up aquaterm immediately.

Additionally, I sometimes use octave to plot. It's also got a formula in Homebrew, so just run brew install octave and away you go!

Solution 2:

Download Maxima. It contains a working for Lion.