What's a good word for a person, or a state, when a person is constantly waiting for life to get good, but does nothing to actually make it happen

I've written a song about people who constantly wait for something good to happen to them and am looking for a word to describe this state/paradox/condition.

The song is about people who expect life to get better for no reason, talk about moving to a bigger city or a different place as if that would magically make them rich, famous and happy, and keep talking about how they are going to do this or that, but never do it. I was under the impression that there's a psychological term for this state, but can't google it up, so I probably made it up.

This is essentially a song about myself, I keep talking about how I love to make music, or shoot videos, but I never actually produce anything, yet it's the only thing I can think of. When it comes to the moment to take action – I just stay at home watching tv shows.

I know it's a broad question and list of topics, but I guess I'm looking for a word that describes this state – of doing NOTHING.

Maybe not the greatest word for a song, but dreamer:

2a : one who lives in a world of fancy and imagination

Fantasist and Walter Mitty show up as synonyms.

Not a noun, but the adjective passive comes to mind:

  1. Existing, conducted, or experienced without active or concerted effort

As a noun, perhaps passenger (in one's own life):

1 someone who travels in a motor vehicle, aircraft, train, or ship but is not the driver or one of the people who works on it


2 MAINLY BRITISH someone in a team who does not do his or her fair share of the work

a fainéant TFD and Merriam - word of the day! 9-27-14 podcast

adj. Given to doing nothing; lazy. n. One who is lazy or idle. syns. sluggard, wastrel a do nothing, slugabed, indolent

As in:

The faineant he was, Jack waited for life to get good but did nothing to actually make it happen.

Not a word, but two idioms

all talk and no action

Someone who is good at talking about themselves, for example how they're going to make it big one day, but then when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, they fail to put in the hard work.

used to describe someone who talks about doing something but never does it:

  • She's all talk when it comes to doing something about the problem.
    Cambridge Dictionaries

A more vivid and derogatory alternative is the following

all hat and no cattle

Tend to talk boastfully without acting on one's words

“It's all hat and no cattle, all buckle and no belt; or, as a noted English playwright once put it, ‘It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.’”

English Oxford Dictionaries