Is there a word that describes this gesture of interlocking hands on the lower stomach?

My first posting here. This piqued my interest, to the point of actual Google hunting. :) I thought perhaps the style of hand clasp is similar to how singers hold their hands. Not sure if I've helped, hindered or befuddled.

two maids posing on a cruise deckwoman dressed as female servant in 19th centuryillustration taken from " Body Language"

I'm posting images, so if anyone knows the correct terminology for these different hand gestures, because I've become curious myself, please post your answers.

For image No. 1, the person on the right is clasping or clenching her hands. In Image No. 2, I'd say she is holding her own hands. The caption for Image No. 3 reads: hands clenched in lower position.

Hand and Arm Gestures:
Research by Nierenberg and Calero on the hands-clenched position brought them to the conclusion that this was a frustration gesture, signalling that the person was holding back a negative attitude. The gesture has three main positions; hands clenched in front of the face, (Figure 39), hands resting on the desk (Figure 40) or on the lap when seated and placed in front of the crotch when standing (Figure 41).

Source: BODY LANGUAGE How to read others’ thoughts by their gestures by Allan Pease

I don't think there's a single word that conveys the whole pose. Hands clasped covers the positioning of the hands relative to each other, either with fingers intertwined, or with one hand covering the other. But hands can also be clasped behind the back, or in prayer, and two people can clasp hands. So "hands clasped in front" is probably as good a phrase as there is.